Revue de gestion des ressources humaines / KEBABTCHIEFE, Serge . 98تنويه التاريخ: Trimestrielle الظاهر يوم : 10/12/2015 |
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Is Employability Detrimental to Unions?An Empirical Assessment of the Relation Between Self-Perceived Empoyability and Voice Behaviours / Bourguignon,Remi in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, 98 (Trimestrielle)
عنوان : Is Employability Detrimental to Unions?An Empirical Assessment of the Relation Between Self-Perceived Empoyability and Voice Behaviours نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Bourguignon,Remi, مؤلف ; Noel,Florent, مؤلف ; Schmidt,Geraldine, مؤلف تاريخ النشر : 2015 مقالة في الصفحة: P03-P17 اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : self-perceived employability, 'exit-voice-loyalty', direct voice ,representative voice, unions, banking industry خلاصة : Beyond the debates surrounding the concept of "employability" and the question of how to divide responsibilities between workers and employers, an emerging literature discusses the effect of self-perceived employability on worker behaviour with respect to trade unions. Based on Hirschman's seminal Exit-Voice-Loyalty model, the present paper aims at contributing to a subject which remains empirically underexplored. Existing research offers no decisive results about the relation between employability and voice behaviours, and it remains unclear about the effects of employability enhancement practices on union constituencies : on the one hand, employability tends to lower the cost of the exit option, and is consequently detrimental to voice ; on the other hand, employability can act as a resource in a power struggle and, as a prerequisite of exit, it makes the voice option less risky or costly, especially when industrial relations take place in a fairly positive climate. In this paper, we propose to go deeper into the examination of this set of relations by introducing a distinction between internal and external employability, and between direct voice and representative, union-mediated voice. To test our hypotheses, we collected data from a survey administered in a French retail bank in 2011. Our findings show that internal employability would favour direct expression to management, with external employability associated with no specific voice behaviour, except when the industrial relation climate is cooperative. This confirms the need for more attention paid to the internal vs external nature of employability. Lastly, our results do not allow us to conclude once and for all that employability is detrimental to unions, and it is not necessarily through their bargaining power and opposition activities that unions are most effective in improving workers position, but through a cooperative attitude with management instead.
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P03-P17[مقالة] Is Employability Detrimental to Unions?An Empirical Assessment of the Relation Between Self-Perceived Empoyability and Voice Behaviours [نص مطبوع ] / Bourguignon,Remi, مؤلف ; Noel,Florent, مؤلف ; Schmidt,Geraldine, مؤلف . - 2015 . - P03-P17.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P03-P17
الكلمة المفتاح : self-perceived employability, 'exit-voice-loyalty', direct voice ,representative voice, unions, banking industry خلاصة : Beyond the debates surrounding the concept of "employability" and the question of how to divide responsibilities between workers and employers, an emerging literature discusses the effect of self-perceived employability on worker behaviour with respect to trade unions. Based on Hirschman's seminal Exit-Voice-Loyalty model, the present paper aims at contributing to a subject which remains empirically underexplored. Existing research offers no decisive results about the relation between employability and voice behaviours, and it remains unclear about the effects of employability enhancement practices on union constituencies : on the one hand, employability tends to lower the cost of the exit option, and is consequently detrimental to voice ; on the other hand, employability can act as a resource in a power struggle and, as a prerequisite of exit, it makes the voice option less risky or costly, especially when industrial relations take place in a fairly positive climate. In this paper, we propose to go deeper into the examination of this set of relations by introducing a distinction between internal and external employability, and between direct voice and representative, union-mediated voice. To test our hypotheses, we collected data from a survey administered in a French retail bank in 2011. Our findings show that internal employability would favour direct expression to management, with external employability associated with no specific voice behaviour, except when the industrial relation climate is cooperative. This confirms the need for more attention paid to the internal vs external nature of employability. Lastly, our results do not allow us to conclude once and for all that employability is detrimental to unions, and it is not necessarily through their bargaining power and opposition activities that unions are most effective in improving workers position, but through a cooperative attitude with management instead. The Management Device in the Blind Spot to Resistance to Change / Teglborg,Ann-Charlotte in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, 98 (Trimestrielle)
عنوان : The Management Device in the Blind Spot to Resistance to Change نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Teglborg,Ann-Charlotte, مؤلف ; Gilbert,Patrick, مؤلف ; Croset,Nathalie, مؤلف تاريخ النشر : 2015 مقالة في الصفحة: P18-P29 اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : Actor-Network Theory, resistance, device, non-human actor, change خلاصة : The exploration of the role of the resistance of nonhuman actors within the framework of organisational change is an emerging research topic. This paper aims to deepen understanding of non-human actors' roles in resistance to change. Applying Actor-Network-Theory, we attempt to open the black box of the management device with a view to analysing the resistance of non-human actors. Reflecting Actor-Network Theory principles, the article is based on a longitudinal case study of the introduction of an employee driven innovation approach in a European telecoms company. We show that resistance to change on the part of non-human actors is linked to the inter-relations between human and non-human actors within the management device supporting employee driven innovation. We identify three types of resistance associated either with unthought or conceptually flawed aspects of managerial artefacts (non-human actors), or with system effects, when resistances within the management device combine to produce a multiplier effect. Furthermore, we demonstrate that while the resistance effects of non-human actors can be obstructive, they can also be productive in that they are capable of generating learning experiences.
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P18-P29[مقالة] The Management Device in the Blind Spot to Resistance to Change [نص مطبوع ] / Teglborg,Ann-Charlotte, مؤلف ; Gilbert,Patrick, مؤلف ; Croset,Nathalie, مؤلف . - 2015 . - P18-P29.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P18-P29
الكلمة المفتاح : Actor-Network Theory, resistance, device, non-human actor, change خلاصة : The exploration of the role of the resistance of nonhuman actors within the framework of organisational change is an emerging research topic. This paper aims to deepen understanding of non-human actors' roles in resistance to change. Applying Actor-Network-Theory, we attempt to open the black box of the management device with a view to analysing the resistance of non-human actors. Reflecting Actor-Network Theory principles, the article is based on a longitudinal case study of the introduction of an employee driven innovation approach in a European telecoms company. We show that resistance to change on the part of non-human actors is linked to the inter-relations between human and non-human actors within the management device supporting employee driven innovation. We identify three types of resistance associated either with unthought or conceptually flawed aspects of managerial artefacts (non-human actors), or with system effects, when resistances within the management device combine to produce a multiplier effect. Furthermore, we demonstrate that while the resistance effects of non-human actors can be obstructive, they can also be productive in that they are capable of generating learning experiences. Ceo Compensation and board Diversity:Evidence From French Listed Companies / Dardour,Ali in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, 98 (Trimestrielle)
عنوان : Ceo Compensation and board Diversity:Evidence From French Listed Companies نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Dardour,Ali, مؤلف ; Husser,Jocelyn, مؤلف ; Hollandts,Xavier, مؤلف تاريخ النشر : 2015 مقالة في الصفحة: P30-P44 اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : gender diversity, board independence, board-level employee representation, CEO compensation خلاصة : This article aims to study the influence of board diversity components on CEO compensation. This study was conducted on a sample of companies listed on the SBF 120 index during the period from 2003 to 2013. It provides significant intermediate results regarding the Copé-Zimmermann law implementation. This is the first study to explore the relationship between the various components of board diversity (board gender diversity, employee-owner representation, board-level employee representation, and proportion of independent directors) and the different components of CEO compensation. The research analyzes board diversity by examining the impact of female representation and employee representation. For the latter, we deeply explore employee ownership and trade union representation. The results highlight that women's representation has a negative effect on CEO compensation. Boardlevel employee representation (employee owners and trade unions) also negatively influences CEO compensation.
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P30-P44[مقالة] Ceo Compensation and board Diversity:Evidence From French Listed Companies [نص مطبوع ] / Dardour,Ali, مؤلف ; Husser,Jocelyn, مؤلف ; Hollandts,Xavier, مؤلف . - 2015 . - P30-P44.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P30-P44
الكلمة المفتاح : gender diversity, board independence, board-level employee representation, CEO compensation خلاصة : This article aims to study the influence of board diversity components on CEO compensation. This study was conducted on a sample of companies listed on the SBF 120 index during the period from 2003 to 2013. It provides significant intermediate results regarding the Copé-Zimmermann law implementation. This is the first study to explore the relationship between the various components of board diversity (board gender diversity, employee-owner representation, board-level employee representation, and proportion of independent directors) and the different components of CEO compensation. The research analyzes board diversity by examining the impact of female representation and employee representation. For the latter, we deeply explore employee ownership and trade union representation. The results highlight that women's representation has a negative effect on CEO compensation. Boardlevel employee representation (employee owners and trade unions) also negatively influences CEO compensation. Contribution de la marque Employeur à l'Attractivité:les Limites des Approches Cognitives Analytiques / Maclouf,Etienne in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, 98 (Trimestrielle)
عنوان : Contribution de la marque Employeur à l'Attractivité:les Limites des Approches Cognitives Analytiques نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Maclouf,Etienne, مؤلف ; belvaux,Bertrand, مؤلف تاريخ النشر : 2015 مقالة في الصفحة: P45-P57 اللغة : فرنسي (fre) إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : marque employeur, image employeur ,attractivité ,analyse conjointe خلاصة : Les frontières entre la GRH et le marketing s'estompent et les concepts de la relation client sont de plus en plus mobilisés pour décrire la relation employeur. Certains concepts issus du marketing sont ainsi mobilisés en GRH pour aider à mieux comprendre le recrutement, l'implication ou encore la fidélisation. La marque-employeur est sans conteste celui qui a retenu le plus l'attention. Cependant, la plupart des travaux suivant cette approche souffrent de plusieurs limites, à la fois théoriques, méthodologiques et managériales. Cette recherche reprend les concepts de marque théorisés en marketing afin de les adapter au cadre des RH et propose une méthodologie mesurant la portée de la marque-employeur sur l'attractivité d'une entreprise. Une application de celle-ci menée auprès de 196 individus souligne que l'effet semble exister, mais à un niveau relativement secondaire.
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P45-P57[مقالة] Contribution de la marque Employeur à l'Attractivité:les Limites des Approches Cognitives Analytiques [نص مطبوع ] / Maclouf,Etienne, مؤلف ; belvaux,Bertrand, مؤلف . - 2015 . - P45-P57.
اللغة : فرنسي (fre) إنكليزي (eng)
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P45-P57
الكلمة المفتاح : marque employeur, image employeur ,attractivité ,analyse conjointe خلاصة : Les frontières entre la GRH et le marketing s'estompent et les concepts de la relation client sont de plus en plus mobilisés pour décrire la relation employeur. Certains concepts issus du marketing sont ainsi mobilisés en GRH pour aider à mieux comprendre le recrutement, l'implication ou encore la fidélisation. La marque-employeur est sans conteste celui qui a retenu le plus l'attention. Cependant, la plupart des travaux suivant cette approche souffrent de plusieurs limites, à la fois théoriques, méthodologiques et managériales. Cette recherche reprend les concepts de marque théorisés en marketing afin de les adapter au cadre des RH et propose une méthodologie mesurant la portée de la marque-employeur sur l'attractivité d'une entreprise. Une application de celle-ci menée auprès de 196 individus souligne que l'effet semble exister, mais à un niveau relativement secondaire. Contribution au Pilotage de la Masse Salariale par la Fonction RH dans les Établissements Publics de Santé:Premiers Résultats d'une recherche Collaborative / Cappelletti,Laurent in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, 98 (Trimestrielle)
عنوان : Contribution au Pilotage de la Masse Salariale par la Fonction RH dans les Établissements Publics de Santé:Premiers Résultats d'une recherche Collaborative نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Cappelletti,Laurent, مؤلف ; Lartigau,Jerome, مؤلف ; Noguera,Florence, مؤلف تاريخ النشر : 2015 مقالة في الصفحة: P58-P73 اللغة : فرنسي (fre) الكلمة المفتاح : pilotage des RH ,gestion de la masse salariale, fonction RH ,établissement public de santé, recherche collaborative, décentralisation synchronisée خلاصة : Le contexte de normalisation et de maîtrise des coûts qui caractérise les établissements publics hospitaliers les oblige à moderniser le pilotage de leur masse salariale par leur fonction RH. Au travers d'une recherche collaborative à l'initiative du ministère de la santé, l'article investigue une série d'hypothèses pour favoriser une telle modernisation. La valeur ajoutée de la recherche est double. Au plan des missions de la fonction RH, elle montre que cette dernière doit conserver dans son périmètre d'intervention, notamment dans les établissements de santé, le pilotage de la masse salariale au travers une concertation plus fine avec le contrôle de gestion. Au plan de son organisation, la recherche montre que la fonction RH doit s'orienter vers un modèle de décentralisation synchronisée pour être créatrice de valeur et mieux intégrer les changements normatifs permanents qui caractérisent le secteur de la santé.
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P58-P73[مقالة] Contribution au Pilotage de la Masse Salariale par la Fonction RH dans les Établissements Publics de Santé:Premiers Résultats d'une recherche Collaborative [نص مطبوع ] / Cappelletti,Laurent, مؤلف ; Lartigau,Jerome, مؤلف ; Noguera,Florence, مؤلف . - 2015 . - P58-P73.
اللغة : فرنسي (fre)
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 98 (Trimestrielle) . - P58-P73
الكلمة المفتاح : pilotage des RH ,gestion de la masse salariale, fonction RH ,établissement public de santé, recherche collaborative, décentralisation synchronisée خلاصة : Le contexte de normalisation et de maîtrise des coûts qui caractérise les établissements publics hospitaliers les oblige à moderniser le pilotage de leur masse salariale par leur fonction RH. Au travers d'une recherche collaborative à l'initiative du ministère de la santé, l'article investigue une série d'hypothèses pour favoriser une telle modernisation. La valeur ajoutée de la recherche est double. Au plan des missions de la fonction RH, elle montre que cette dernière doit conserver dans son périmètre d'intervention, notamment dans les établissements de santé, le pilotage de la masse salariale au travers une concertation plus fine avec le contrôle de gestion. Au plan de son organisation, la recherche montre que la fonction RH doit s'orienter vers un modèle de décentralisation synchronisée pour être créatrice de valeur et mieux intégrer les changements normatifs permanents qui caractérisent le secteur de la santé.