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Cambridge international trade and economic law
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The WTO and international investment law / Kurtz, Jürgen
عنوان : The WTO and international investment law : converging systems نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Kurtz, Jürgen, مؤلف ناشر : Cambridge : Cambridge university press تاريخ النشر : cop. 2016 مجموعة : Cambridge international trade and economic law عدد الصفحات : 1 vol. (XIII-311 p.) Ill. : couv.Ill. الأبعاد : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-107-00970-7 ثمن : 17518.00 DA. اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) ترتيب : [كتب باللغة العربية] الكلمة المفتاح : 300 - Sciences sociales World Trade Organization,Organisation mondiale du commerce,Investments,Foreign (International law) تكشيف : 346 القانون الخاص (المدني) خلاصة : International law has historically regulated foreign trade and foreign investment differently. Distinct evolutionary pathways have led to variances in treaty form, institutional culture, and dispute settlement. With their inevitable erosion through the late twentieth to early twenty-first centuries, those weak boundaries have become porous and indefensible. Powerful economic, legal and sociological factors are now pushing the two systems together. In this book, Jürgen Kurtz systematically explores the often complex and little-understood dynamics of this convergence phenomenon. Kurtz addresses the growing connections between international trade and investment law, proposing a theoretically grounded and doctrinally tractable framework to understand the deepening relationship between them. The book also offers reform ideas and possibilities, providing treaty negotiators and other government officials with a set of theoretical insights and doctrinal models that can guide actors in building a justifiable and sustainable level of commonality between the two legal systems The WTO and international investment law : converging systems [نص مطبوع ] / Kurtz, Jürgen, مؤلف . - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, cop. 2016 . - 1 vol. (XIII-311 p.) : couv.Ill. ; 24 cm. - (Cambridge international trade and economic law) .
ISBN : 978-1-107-00970-7 : 17518.00 DA.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
ترتيب : [كتب باللغة العربية] الكلمة المفتاح : 300 - Sciences sociales World Trade Organization,Organisation mondiale du commerce,Investments,Foreign (International law) تكشيف : 346 القانون الخاص (المدني) خلاصة : International law has historically regulated foreign trade and foreign investment differently. Distinct evolutionary pathways have led to variances in treaty form, institutional culture, and dispute settlement. With their inevitable erosion through the late twentieth to early twenty-first centuries, those weak boundaries have become porous and indefensible. Powerful economic, legal and sociological factors are now pushing the two systems together. In this book, Jürgen Kurtz systematically explores the often complex and little-understood dynamics of this convergence phenomenon. Kurtz addresses the growing connections between international trade and investment law, proposing a theoretically grounded and doctrinally tractable framework to understand the deepening relationship between them. The book also offers reform ideas and possibilities, providing treaty negotiators and other government officials with a set of theoretical insights and doctrinal models that can guide actors in building a justifiable and sustainable level of commonality between the two legal systems نسخ(2)
Call number Media type Location وضع 346/8/66 Livre Droit جاهز 346/8/66 Livre Droit جاهز WTO dispute settlement and the TRIPS agreement / Matthew Kennedy
عنوان : WTO dispute settlement and the TRIPS agreement : applying intellectual property standards in a trade law framework نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Matthew Kennedy, مؤلف ناشر : Cambridge : Cambridge university press تاريخ النشر : 2016, cop. 2016 مجموعة : Cambridge international trade and economic law عدد الصفحات : 1 vol. (xlii-453 p.) Ill. : couv. ill. en coul الأبعاد : 24 cm. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-107-14468-2 ثمن : 20.158.00 DA. اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) ترتيب : [كتب باللغة العربية] الكلمة المفتاح : 300 - Sciences sociales Intellectual property (International law),Foreign trade regulation,Commerce international تكشيف : 346 القانون الخاص (المدني) خلاصة : The TRIPS Agreement was implemented in the WTO to gain access to a functioning dispute settlement mechanism that could authorize trade sanctions. Yet TRIPS and the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding are based on systems that developed independently in WIPO and GATT. In this book, Matthew Kennedy exposes the challenges created by the integration and independence of TRIPS within the WTO by examining how this trade organization comes to grips with intellectual property disputes. He contrasts the way intellectual property disputes between governments have been handled before and after the establishment of the WTO. Based on practical experience, this book provides a comprehensive review of the issues that arise under the DSU, TRIPS, GATT 1994 and other WTO agreements in intellectual property matters. These range from procedural pitfalls to substantive treaty interpretation and conflicts as well as remedies, including cross-retaliation. WTO dispute settlement and the TRIPS agreement : applying intellectual property standards in a trade law framework [نص مطبوع ] / Matthew Kennedy, مؤلف . - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2016, cop. 2016 . - 1 vol. (xlii-453 p.) : couv. ill. en coul ; 24 cm.. - (Cambridge international trade and economic law) .
ISBN : 978-1-107-14468-2 : 20.158.00 DA.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
ترتيب : [كتب باللغة العربية] الكلمة المفتاح : 300 - Sciences sociales Intellectual property (International law),Foreign trade regulation,Commerce international تكشيف : 346 القانون الخاص (المدني) خلاصة : The TRIPS Agreement was implemented in the WTO to gain access to a functioning dispute settlement mechanism that could authorize trade sanctions. Yet TRIPS and the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding are based on systems that developed independently in WIPO and GATT. In this book, Matthew Kennedy exposes the challenges created by the integration and independence of TRIPS within the WTO by examining how this trade organization comes to grips with intellectual property disputes. He contrasts the way intellectual property disputes between governments have been handled before and after the establishment of the WTO. Based on practical experience, this book provides a comprehensive review of the issues that arise under the DSU, TRIPS, GATT 1994 and other WTO agreements in intellectual property matters. These range from procedural pitfalls to substantive treaty interpretation and conflicts as well as remedies, including cross-retaliation. نسخ(1)
Call number Media type Location وضع 346/8/88 Livre Droit جاهز