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مؤلف Essig,Elena |
الوثائق الموجودة المؤلفة من طرف المؤلف (2)
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The Influence of the Relationship Whith the Superior on New Comers’ Organizational Identification and Affective Commitment / Essig,Elena in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, 102 (Trimestriel)
عنوان : The Influence of the Relationship Whith the Superior on New Comers’ Organizational Identification and Affective Commitment نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Essig,Elena, مؤلف ; Soparnot,Richard, مؤلف ; Abraham,Jocelyne, مؤلف تاريخ النشر : 2016 مقالة في الصفحة: P17-P41 اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 102 (Trimestriel) . - P17-P41[مقالة] The Influence of the Relationship Whith the Superior on New Comers’ Organizational Identification and Affective Commitment [نص مطبوع ] / Essig,Elena, مؤلف ; Soparnot,Richard, مؤلف ; Abraham,Jocelyne, مؤلف . - 2016 . - P17-P41.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 102 (Trimestriel) . - P17-P41The Influence of the Relationship Whith the Superior on New Comers' Organizational Identification and Affective Commitment / Essig,Elena in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, 102 (Trimestrielle)
عنوان : The Influence of the Relationship Whith the Superior on New Comers' Organizational Identification and Affective Commitment نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Essig,Elena, مؤلف ; Soparnot,Richard, مؤلف ; Abraham,Jocelyne, مؤلف تاريخ النشر : 2016 مقالة في الصفحة: P17-P41 اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : newcomer, superior ,organizational commitment, organizational identification, socialization, interpersonal justice خلاصة : Organizations invest large amounts of money in the socialization process of newcomer employees with the objective of forming desired attitudes and behaviors. However, factors that foster these positive outcomes remain relatively unknown. Even if according to research on organizational socialization, one of those key factors is social support from the superior, to our knowledge there is no empirical evidence concerning the impact of the superior on organizational identification and affective commitment of newcomer employees. Our mixed method study based on 20 interviews and 335 questionnaires, is conducted in a French Air Force training center of young non-commissioned officers. We particularly emphasize the impact of perceived competence of the superior on organizational identification and affective commitment of newcomers. Our study also reveals the absence of a direct relationship between the trustworthiness of the superior and affective commitment of new recruits ; organizational identification acting as mediator between these two variables. Finally, it establishes the existence of a negative relationship between interpersonal justice and organizational identification of newcomer employees.
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 102 (Trimestrielle) . - P17-P41[مقالة] The Influence of the Relationship Whith the Superior on New Comers' Organizational Identification and Affective Commitment [نص مطبوع ] / Essig,Elena, مؤلف ; Soparnot,Richard, مؤلف ; Abraham,Jocelyne, مؤلف . - 2016 . - P17-P41.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
in Revue de gestion des ressources humaines > 102 (Trimestrielle) . - P17-P41
الكلمة المفتاح : newcomer, superior ,organizational commitment, organizational identification, socialization, interpersonal justice خلاصة : Organizations invest large amounts of money in the socialization process of newcomer employees with the objective of forming desired attitudes and behaviors. However, factors that foster these positive outcomes remain relatively unknown. Even if according to research on organizational socialization, one of those key factors is social support from the superior, to our knowledge there is no empirical evidence concerning the impact of the superior on organizational identification and affective commitment of newcomer employees. Our mixed method study based on 20 interviews and 335 questionnaires, is conducted in a French Air Force training center of young non-commissioned officers. We particularly emphasize the impact of perceived competence of the superior on organizational identification and affective commitment of newcomers. Our study also reveals the absence of a direct relationship between the trustworthiness of the superior and affective commitment of new recruits ; organizational identification acting as mediator between these two variables. Finally, it establishes the existence of a negative relationship between interpersonal justice and organizational identification of newcomer employees.