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مؤلف Dr. Zahia MEBARKI |
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An Investigation of The Factors Accounting For Second-Year English Stuents' Writing Difficulties At Ferhat Abbas University of Setif / Moussaoui Samira
عنوان : An Investigation of The Factors Accounting For Second-Year English Stuents' Writing Difficulties At Ferhat Abbas University of Setif نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Moussaoui Samira, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse ناشر : Universite Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Setif2 تاريخ النشر : 2019 عدد الصفحات : 412 p الأبعاد : 21*30cm الماديات المرافقة : copie+cd اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي Affective factors, EFL learners, strategy training, writing difficulties, writing performance, writing process/ strategy (ies). خلاصة : This work reports the results of a study conducted at the Setif University English Department. The aim of the study was two-fold: to explore the factors accounting for undergraduate students' writing difficulties and investigate the effect of strategy training on enhancing their writing performance and positive affect. To achieve this aim, it was hypothesised that students' writing difficulties can be attributed to one or more factors: (meta-) cognitive, linguistic, and/ or affective. It was also hypothesised that strategy training can have positive effects on these students' writing performance and affect. The participants of the study were second-year English students, among whom a group of 24 participated in a training writing course as an experimental group, and a control group was used for comparison. To collect the data for this research, a combination of instruments was used. A pre-test and a pre-questionnaire were used to collect data on the participants' writing background and affective factors. A post-test, a post-questionnaire, and a think-aloud procedure were employed to obtain information on the participants' progress, if any, in their writing performance and affect level, as well as examine their processes and strategy use to confirm the post-study results, qualitatively. The data were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively, and a comparison was carried out to examine the differences between the experimental and control groups as well as between high-and low-achieving participants in terms of the degree of progress they made. The exploratory study findings demonstrated that the participants' writing difficulties were attributed mainly to the (meta-) cognitive, followed by the linguistic and, to a lesser extent, the affective factors, mainly writing apprehension and self-efficacy levels. Moreover, a comparison of the pre- and post-test results of the experimental and control groups has shown that the participants in the former group have improved considerably and with varying levels in their writing performance, strategy use, and affect level, compared to the latter. These results have yielded to the conclusion that explicit writing strategy training contributes to the students' writing development and progress if applied effectively and at a long-term level. في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/1289 An Investigation of The Factors Accounting For Second-Year English Stuents' Writing Difficulties At Ferhat Abbas University of Setif [نص مطبوع ] / Moussaoui Samira, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse . - Universite Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Setif2, 2019 . - 412 p ; 21*30cm + copie+cd.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي Affective factors, EFL learners, strategy training, writing difficulties, writing performance, writing process/ strategy (ies). خلاصة : This work reports the results of a study conducted at the Setif University English Department. The aim of the study was two-fold: to explore the factors accounting for undergraduate students' writing difficulties and investigate the effect of strategy training on enhancing their writing performance and positive affect. To achieve this aim, it was hypothesised that students' writing difficulties can be attributed to one or more factors: (meta-) cognitive, linguistic, and/ or affective. It was also hypothesised that strategy training can have positive effects on these students' writing performance and affect. The participants of the study were second-year English students, among whom a group of 24 participated in a training writing course as an experimental group, and a control group was used for comparison. To collect the data for this research, a combination of instruments was used. A pre-test and a pre-questionnaire were used to collect data on the participants' writing background and affective factors. A post-test, a post-questionnaire, and a think-aloud procedure were employed to obtain information on the participants' progress, if any, in their writing performance and affect level, as well as examine their processes and strategy use to confirm the post-study results, qualitatively. The data were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively, and a comparison was carried out to examine the differences between the experimental and control groups as well as between high-and low-achieving participants in terms of the degree of progress they made. The exploratory study findings demonstrated that the participants' writing difficulties were attributed mainly to the (meta-) cognitive, followed by the linguistic and, to a lesser extent, the affective factors, mainly writing apprehension and self-efficacy levels. Moreover, a comparison of the pre- and post-test results of the experimental and control groups has shown that the participants in the former group have improved considerably and with varying levels in their writing performance, strategy use, and affect level, compared to the latter. These results have yielded to the conclusion that explicit writing strategy training contributes to the students' writing development and progress if applied effectively and at a long-term level. في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/1289 نسخ(2)
Call number Media type Location وضع E/67 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة E/95 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة Developing the Writing Skill through the Integration of Web 2.0 Technology into Classroom Learning: The Case of Second Year Students of English at Farhat Abbes University / Kichou Hanane
عنوان : Developing the Writing Skill through the Integration of Web 2.0 Technology into Classroom Learning: The Case of Second Year Students of English at Farhat Abbes University نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Kichou Hanane, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse ناشر : سطيف [الجزائر] : جامعة الدكتور محمد لمين دباغين تاريخ النشر : 2018 عدد الصفحات : 311p Ill. : couv en coul الماديات المرافقة : cd الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي خلاصة : Although web 2.0 applications are growing more and more popular among this generation's learners, and are the kernel of research throughout the world, they are still considered an unexplored area of research in Algeria, and evidence of its effectiveness educationally is hitherto indefinite. Consequently, the main aim of this thesis is to investigate the effectiveness of integrating Web 2.0 technology into classroom learning to develop students' writing skill, as well as students' perceptions of applying these tools. In this study, therefore, it is hypothesized that students' writing skill in form and content may be enhanced by the involvement of web 2.0 technology. For this end, the quasi-experimental design was the most congruent design to be followed as two intact second year groups were assigned to participate in the study, and were not randomly selected. The experimental group (N=30) underwent a treatment of studying in class and writing using web 2.0 tools while the control group (N=35) received writing in class solely, and both groups were assigned to write paragraphs. The Mixed method approach was utilized to collect data, including a questionnaire, students' pretest and posttest paragraph scores, students' online paragraphs as corpus, and an interview. The results revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between students in the experimental group and students in the control group paragraph writing skills. Also, a statistically significant difference was found in paragraph writing within the experimental group before and after the involvement in web 2.0 writing. Beside, participants' perceptions were positive towards the use of web 2.0 to develop their writing skill. The outcomes of the study will be particularly helpful to teachers to enhance the use of web 2.0 technologies in their teaching and learning practices, to students to meet their learning needs and preferences as digital savvy learners, and to curriculum designers to consider technology integration into the curriculum في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/993 Developing the Writing Skill through the Integration of Web 2.0 Technology into Classroom Learning: The Case of Second Year Students of English at Farhat Abbes University [نص مطبوع ] / Kichou Hanane, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse . - سطيف [الجزائر] : جامعة الدكتور محمد لمين دباغين, 2018 . - 311p : couv en coul + cd.
الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي خلاصة : Although web 2.0 applications are growing more and more popular among this generation's learners, and are the kernel of research throughout the world, they are still considered an unexplored area of research in Algeria, and evidence of its effectiveness educationally is hitherto indefinite. Consequently, the main aim of this thesis is to investigate the effectiveness of integrating Web 2.0 technology into classroom learning to develop students' writing skill, as well as students' perceptions of applying these tools. In this study, therefore, it is hypothesized that students' writing skill in form and content may be enhanced by the involvement of web 2.0 technology. For this end, the quasi-experimental design was the most congruent design to be followed as two intact second year groups were assigned to participate in the study, and were not randomly selected. The experimental group (N=30) underwent a treatment of studying in class and writing using web 2.0 tools while the control group (N=35) received writing in class solely, and both groups were assigned to write paragraphs. The Mixed method approach was utilized to collect data, including a questionnaire, students' pretest and posttest paragraph scores, students' online paragraphs as corpus, and an interview. The results revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between students in the experimental group and students in the control group paragraph writing skills. Also, a statistically significant difference was found in paragraph writing within the experimental group before and after the involvement in web 2.0 writing. Beside, participants' perceptions were positive towards the use of web 2.0 to develop their writing skill. The outcomes of the study will be particularly helpful to teachers to enhance the use of web 2.0 technologies in their teaching and learning practices, to students to meet their learning needs and preferences as digital savvy learners, and to curriculum designers to consider technology integration into the curriculum في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/993 نسخ(2)
Call number Media type Location وضع E/56 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة E/91 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة Developing the Writing Skills through Reading and Writing Workshop Strategy: The Case of First Year LMD Students at the University of Bejaia / Fadhila Aliouchouche
عنوان : Developing the Writing Skills through Reading and Writing Workshop Strategy: The Case of First Year LMD Students at the University of Bejaia نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Fadhila Aliouchouche, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse ناشر : Universite Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Setif2 تاريخ النشر : 2017 عدد الصفحات : P310 Ill. : غلاف كارتوني الأبعاد : 21*28cm الماديات المرافقة : cd اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي compétence écrite, lecture, enseignement de l'écrit, atelier de lecture/écriture خلاصة : Le but de cette présente recherche est en premier lieu d'examiner les effets de la lecture sur le développement des compétences écrites chez les étudiants de deuxième année, département d'Anglais, Faculté des Lettres et des Langues, Université Abderrahmane Mira de Bejaia. Notre but est également de mettre en relief les différentes difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les étudiants dans le module d'expression écrite. Notre échantillon se compose de 32 étudiants, repartis en deux groupes à savoir un groupe témoin et un groupe expérimental. Les outils de recherche utilisés sont : En premier lieu, un questionnaire destiné aux étudiants de deuxième année qui nous a permit de cerner les difficultés de ces étudiants liées au module d'expression écrite et aussi d'avoir une idée sur leurs habitudes en matière de lecture. En deuxième lieu, nous avons utilisés deux tests avec les deux groupes suscités, à savoir un pré-test et un pos-test. Le pré-test a été réalisé afin de tester le niveau des étudiants des deux groupes avant la phase expérimentale. Le groupe témoin a suivi les cours du module d'expression écrite sans aucun changement en matière de méthodologie d'enseignement. En revanche, le groupe expérimental à quand à lui suivi un programme basé sur l'enseignement de l'écrit à travers des ateliers où l'écrit et la lecture sont enseignés en tandem. A l'issue de la phase expérimentale, un deuxième test (Post-test) a été effectué avec les deux groupes. Afin de confirmer la validité de nos résultats, nous avons utilisé un test statistique, en l'occurrence le t.test. Les résultats de notre étude indiquent que l'hypothèse proposée à la problématique est confirmée puisque nous avons constaté à travers l'analyse des résultats obtenus par les étudiants du groupe expérimental une amélioration en termes de contenu et de forme. Nous avons également constaté que les résultats des étudiants du groupe expérimental sont supérieurs à ceux obtenus par le groupe témoin. في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/860 Developing the Writing Skills through Reading and Writing Workshop Strategy: The Case of First Year LMD Students at the University of Bejaia [نص مطبوع ] / Fadhila Aliouchouche, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse . - Universite Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Setif2, 2017 . - P310 : غلاف كارتوني ; 21*28cm + cd.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي compétence écrite, lecture, enseignement de l'écrit, atelier de lecture/écriture خلاصة : Le but de cette présente recherche est en premier lieu d'examiner les effets de la lecture sur le développement des compétences écrites chez les étudiants de deuxième année, département d'Anglais, Faculté des Lettres et des Langues, Université Abderrahmane Mira de Bejaia. Notre but est également de mettre en relief les différentes difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les étudiants dans le module d'expression écrite. Notre échantillon se compose de 32 étudiants, repartis en deux groupes à savoir un groupe témoin et un groupe expérimental. Les outils de recherche utilisés sont : En premier lieu, un questionnaire destiné aux étudiants de deuxième année qui nous a permit de cerner les difficultés de ces étudiants liées au module d'expression écrite et aussi d'avoir une idée sur leurs habitudes en matière de lecture. En deuxième lieu, nous avons utilisés deux tests avec les deux groupes suscités, à savoir un pré-test et un pos-test. Le pré-test a été réalisé afin de tester le niveau des étudiants des deux groupes avant la phase expérimentale. Le groupe témoin a suivi les cours du module d'expression écrite sans aucun changement en matière de méthodologie d'enseignement. En revanche, le groupe expérimental à quand à lui suivi un programme basé sur l'enseignement de l'écrit à travers des ateliers où l'écrit et la lecture sont enseignés en tandem. A l'issue de la phase expérimentale, un deuxième test (Post-test) a été effectué avec les deux groupes. Afin de confirmer la validité de nos résultats, nous avons utilisé un test statistique, en l'occurrence le t.test. Les résultats de notre étude indiquent que l'hypothèse proposée à la problématique est confirmée puisque nous avons constaté à travers l'analyse des résultats obtenus par les étudiants du groupe expérimental une amélioration en termes de contenu et de forme. Nous avons également constaté que les résultats des étudiants du groupe expérimental sont supérieurs à ceux obtenus par le groupe témoin. في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/860 نسخ(2)
Call number Media type Location وضع E/55 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة E/94 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة Languge needs analysis of first year master marketing students at el -Bez University of Setif / BELALA Ghozlène
عنوان : Languge needs analysis of first year master marketing students at el -Bez University of Setif نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : BELALA Ghozlène, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse ناشر : SETIF 2 UNIVERSITY تاريخ النشر : 2014 عدد الصفحات : 221 P الأبعاد : 21*28 cm الماديات المرافقة : CD اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Course Design (CD), English for Business Purposes (EBP), Needs Analysis (NA), Marketing English (ME), English for Business Purposes Course Design (EBP CD). خلاصة : The aim of the present case study is to highlight the pressing need for introducing an English course at the Department of Commercial Sciences, by investigating the English language needs of first year Master Marketing students within the Doctoral School at Farhat Abbas University of Setif 1. The study under scrutiny involves the following aspects: first, analyzing the situation regarding the use of English in the aforementioned department; second, identifying the students' language needs, and finally, designing an English course that will fulfill their linguistic needs في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/setif2/248 Languge needs analysis of first year master marketing students at el -Bez University of Setif [نص مطبوع ] / BELALA Ghozlène, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse . - SETIF 2 UNIVERSITY, 2014 . - 221 P ; 21*28 cm + CD.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Course Design (CD), English for Business Purposes (EBP), Needs Analysis (NA), Marketing English (ME), English for Business Purposes Course Design (EBP CD). خلاصة : The aim of the present case study is to highlight the pressing need for introducing an English course at the Department of Commercial Sciences, by investigating the English language needs of first year Master Marketing students within the Doctoral School at Farhat Abbas University of Setif 1. The study under scrutiny involves the following aspects: first, analyzing the situation regarding the use of English in the aforementioned department; second, identifying the students' language needs, and finally, designing an English course that will fulfill their linguistic needs في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/setif2/248 نسخ(2)
Call number Media type Location وضع E/08 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة E/92 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة The integrative approach to negotiation via emails in purchasing a case of the purchasing departement in samha -samsung / SLAIM SOUMIA
عنوان : The integrative approach to negotiation via emails in purchasing a case of the purchasing departement in samha -samsung نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : SLAIM SOUMIA, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse ناشر : université setif 2 تاريخ النشر : 2014 عدد الصفحات : 143 الأبعاد : 21*28 الماديات المرافقة : CD قرص مضغوط اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي Investigating -move structure - Emails- Purchasing- Business Negotiation خلاصة : This study works on diagnosing problems the purchasers in SAMHA-SAMSUNG at the activity zone -of Sétif suffer from when they write Business Negotiation Emails .It; also, reports on results of investigating the rhetorical structure of those emails. We have used two research instruments; a questionnaire to diagnose the problems, and develop knowledge about the seven engineers' awareness of Business Negotiation Emails move structure. Emails analysis, on the other hand, aims at developing scrutiny of 20 electronic letters rhetorical structure. After Analysis, it was found that the purchasers suffer from problems in terms of grammar, vocabulary, and ideas organization. They, also, do not follow a consistent plan of moves and steps when they write emails. في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/setif2/30 The integrative approach to negotiation via emails in purchasing a case of the purchasing departement in samha -samsung [نص مطبوع ] / SLAIM SOUMIA, مؤلف ; Dr. Zahia MEBARKI, Directeur de thèse . - université setif 2, 2014 . - 143 ; 21*28 + CD قرص مضغوط.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
الكلمة المفتاح : Département de langue et littérature anglaise Department of English Language and Literature قسم اللغة والأدب الانجليزي Investigating -move structure - Emails- Purchasing- Business Negotiation خلاصة : This study works on diagnosing problems the purchasers in SAMHA-SAMSUNG at the activity zone -of Sétif suffer from when they write Business Negotiation Emails .It; also, reports on results of investigating the rhetorical structure of those emails. We have used two research instruments; a questionnaire to diagnose the problems, and develop knowledge about the seven engineers' awareness of Business Negotiation Emails move structure. Emails analysis, on the other hand, aims at developing scrutiny of 20 electronic letters rhetorical structure. After Analysis, it was found that the purchasers suffer from problems in terms of grammar, vocabulary, and ideas organization. They, also, do not follow a consistent plan of moves and steps when they write emails. في الخط : http://dspace.univ-setif2.dz/xmlui/handle/setif2/30 نسخ(2)
Call number Media type Location وضع E/05 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة E/81 Thèse salle périodique مستتنى من الاعارة The Role of Integrating Various Patterns of Activity Sequencing in Promoting Vocabulary and Grammar Knowledge: The Case of Undergraduate LMD Students at Sétif 2 University / Bouirane ahlem
PermalinkThe Role of Self-monitoring and Self-correction Strategies in Improving Written Language and Promoting Learners Autonomy. The Case of Second Year Students in Sétif University / Bouzeraa wafia