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حرية المعتقد والتسامح الديني في حكم المغول (603-694هـ/ 1206-1295م) / جلايلي أحمد in مجلة عصور الجديدة, 19-20 (فصلية)
عنوان : حرية المعتقد والتسامح الديني في حكم المغول (603-694هـ/ 1206-1295م) نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : جلايلي أحمد, مؤلف تاريخ النشر : 2015 مقالة في الصفحة: 156ص اللغة : عربي (ara) الكلمة المفتاح : حكم الماغول- حرية المعتقد- التسامح الديني- جنكيز خان- خلاصة : Remains wars carried out by the Mongols on the Islamic world and Europe are among the most wars that stirred controversy among historians and researchers, some of whom said it was a war against Islam and Muslims and there are those who said it was directed against Christianity, came this article looks at the reality of this matter, and studying point important that how to deal Mongols with other beliefs and religions yet formed other empire, so that touched on the concept of religious belief I have the Mongols, and the look of Genghis Khan to the beliefs of other religions, and how Oktay Khan deal with the Muslims, and the spread of Christianity in the era Quoc Khan, and try Monakukhan embodiment of the idea of interfaith dialogue, and deal Qhobelaa Khan with various communities and religions in China في الخط : https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/21466
in مجلة عصور الجديدة > 19-20 (فصلية) . - 156ص[مقالة] حرية المعتقد والتسامح الديني في حكم المغول (603-694هـ/ 1206-1295م) [نص مطبوع ] / جلايلي أحمد, مؤلف . - 2015 . - 156ص.
اللغة : عربي (ara)
in مجلة عصور الجديدة > 19-20 (فصلية) . - 156ص
الكلمة المفتاح : حكم الماغول- حرية المعتقد- التسامح الديني- جنكيز خان- خلاصة : Remains wars carried out by the Mongols on the Islamic world and Europe are among the most wars that stirred controversy among historians and researchers, some of whom said it was a war against Islam and Muslims and there are those who said it was directed against Christianity, came this article looks at the reality of this matter, and studying point important that how to deal Mongols with other beliefs and religions yet formed other empire, so that touched on the concept of religious belief I have the Mongols, and the look of Genghis Khan to the beliefs of other religions, and how Oktay Khan deal with the Muslims, and the spread of Christianity in the era Quoc Khan, and try Monakukhan embodiment of the idea of interfaith dialogue, and deal Qhobelaa Khan with various communities and religions in China في الخط : https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/21466