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Environmental law in Arab states / Damilola S Olawuyi
عنوان : Environmental law in Arab states نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Damilola S Olawuyi, مؤلف ناشر : Oxford : Oxford University Press تاريخ النشر : 2022 عدد الصفحات : l, 370 pages Ill. : couverture colorée الأبعاد : 24. cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-289618-6 ثمن : 22880.DA اللغة : Français (moyen) (frm) الكلمة المفتاح : 300-sciences socieles 300-sciences socieles 300-sciences socieles Arab countries, Environmental law, Environmental law Arab countries تكشيف : 344 قانون العمل، قانون التعليم، القانون الاجتماعي، القانون الثقافي خلاصة : 'Environmental Law in Arab States' offers a comprehensive and authoritative account of the guiding principles and rules relating to environmental protection in the Arab region. Taking an international and comparative approach, the book introduces readers to the latest developments of environmental law across the Arab region through applicable legislation, green finance, and climate technologies Environmental law in Arab states [نص مطبوع ] / Damilola S Olawuyi, مؤلف . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022 . - l, 370 pages : couverture colorée ; 24. cm.
ISBN : 978-0-19-289618-6 : 22880.DA
اللغة : Français (moyen) (frm)
الكلمة المفتاح : 300-sciences socieles 300-sciences socieles 300-sciences socieles Arab countries, Environmental law, Environmental law Arab countries تكشيف : 344 قانون العمل، قانون التعليم، القانون الاجتماعي، القانون الثقافي خلاصة : 'Environmental Law in Arab States' offers a comprehensive and authoritative account of the guiding principles and rules relating to environmental protection in the Arab region. Taking an international and comparative approach, the book introduces readers to the latest developments of environmental law across the Arab region through applicable legislation, green finance, and climate technologies نسخ(2)
Call number Media type Location وضع 344/8/67 Livre Droit جاهز 344/8/67 Livre Droit جاهز The human rights-based approach to carbon finance / Damilola S Olawuyi
عنوان : The human rights-based approach to carbon finance نوع الوثيقة : نص مطبوع مؤلفين : Damilola S Olawuyi, مؤلف ناشر : Cambridge : Cambridge university press تاريخ النشر : cop. 2016 عدد الصفحات : 1 vol. (XXII-417 p.) Ill. : couv.Ill. الأبعاد : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-107-10551-5 ثمن : 20158.00 DA. اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) ترتيب : [كتب باللغة العربية] الكلمة المفتاح : 300 - Sciences sociales Carbon dioxide mitigation,Law,legislation,Carbon offsetting,International law,human rights تكشيف : 344 قانون العمل، قانون التعليم، القانون الاجتماعي، القانون الثقافي خلاصة : "This book analyses the topical and contentious issue of the human rights impacts associated with carbon projects, especially in developing countries. It outlines a human rights-based approach to carbon finance as a functional framework for mainstreaming human rights into the design, approval, finance and implementation of carbon projects. It also describes the nature and scope of carbon projects, the available legal options for their financing and the key human rights issues at stake in their planning and execution. Written in a user-friendly style, the proposal for a rights-based due diligence framework through which human rights issues can be anticipated and addressed makes this book relevant to all stakeholders in carbon, energy, and environmental investments and projects." The human rights-based approach to carbon finance [نص مطبوع ] / Damilola S Olawuyi, مؤلف . - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, cop. 2016 . - 1 vol. (XXII-417 p.) : couv.Ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-107-10551-5 : 20158.00 DA.
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
ترتيب : [كتب باللغة العربية] الكلمة المفتاح : 300 - Sciences sociales Carbon dioxide mitigation,Law,legislation,Carbon offsetting,International law,human rights تكشيف : 344 قانون العمل، قانون التعليم، القانون الاجتماعي، القانون الثقافي خلاصة : "This book analyses the topical and contentious issue of the human rights impacts associated with carbon projects, especially in developing countries. It outlines a human rights-based approach to carbon finance as a functional framework for mainstreaming human rights into the design, approval, finance and implementation of carbon projects. It also describes the nature and scope of carbon projects, the available legal options for their financing and the key human rights issues at stake in their planning and execution. Written in a user-friendly style, the proposal for a rights-based due diligence framework through which human rights issues can be anticipated and addressed makes this book relevant to all stakeholders in carbon, energy, and environmental investments and projects." نسخ(2)
Call number Media type Location وضع 344/8/51 Livre Droit جاهز 344/8/51 Livre Droit جاهز