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The International law of human rights / Adam ,McBeth
عنوان : The International law of human rights نوع الوثيقة : نص مخطوط مؤلفين : Adam ,McBeth, Auteur présumé ; Justine,Nolan ناشر : Oxford : Oxford University Press تاريخ النشر : 2017 عدد الصفحات : 626.p Ill. : couverture colorée الأبعاد : 24. cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-030424-9 ثمن : 15600.da اللغة : إنكليزي (eng) الكلمة المفتاح : 300-sciences socieles 300-sciences socieles 300-sciences socieles Human Rights, Droits de l'homme تكشيف : 323 الحقوق المدنية و السياسية خلاصة : "[This book] examines the fundamentals of human rights law from the advent of the United Nations Charter through to the challenging contemporary issues facing the human rights regime. The second edition introduces the intricacies of human rights law and provides up-to-date coverage of human rights issues while exploring emerging areas of human rights law. Expert author commentary illuminates a range of examples while Snapshots throughout the text demonstrate real life decisions, thoroughly covering the scope of human rights law. This text has been restructured and comprehensively updated throughout to reflect current legislation, cases and international jurisprudence and is the ideal text for students of human rights law."--Publisher's website. The International law of human rights [نص مخطوط] / Adam ,McBeth, Auteur présumé ; Justine,Nolan . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 . - 626.p : couverture colorée ; 24. cm.
ISBN : 978-0-19-030424-9 : 15600.da
اللغة : إنكليزي (eng)
الكلمة المفتاح : 300-sciences socieles 300-sciences socieles 300-sciences socieles Human Rights, Droits de l'homme تكشيف : 323 الحقوق المدنية و السياسية خلاصة : "[This book] examines the fundamentals of human rights law from the advent of the United Nations Charter through to the challenging contemporary issues facing the human rights regime. The second edition introduces the intricacies of human rights law and provides up-to-date coverage of human rights issues while exploring emerging areas of human rights law. Expert author commentary illuminates a range of examples while Snapshots throughout the text demonstrate real life decisions, thoroughly covering the scope of human rights law. This text has been restructured and comprehensively updated throughout to reflect current legislation, cases and international jurisprudence and is the ideal text for students of human rights law."--Publisher's website. نسخ(2)
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